Mrs. Gardner's 8th Grade Math Webpage!!
L.M.S 8th Grade Hawks. I am delighted to be your Math teacer for the year and look forward to working with you.
Here are a few reminders:
Complete all assignments in a tim1ely manor. Check your grades regularly through Skyward using your assigned username and password. To get assistance with your Skyward username and password, please call the LaVergne Middle front Office at (615) 904-3877
THERE IS NO ONLINE TEXT FOR MATH. However PLEASE USE: i-Ready. Your learning path lessons are in green and can be accessed through Clever. Any grade level lesson I assign you will be in the blue window. You were also given a paper copy of the text. Please refer to any page/ pages assigned. Also note that you will be requied to complete IXL lessons. IXL cn also be accessed via Clever.
You can access your Office 365 account by clicking here, the username and password are the same as your computer login at school.
Our Live Platform for this year is Schoology. All lessons and assignments are posted in Schoology.
All assignments in Schoology should be completed on a weekly basis. Not just the IXL's but also the practice assignments and quizzes. This should be sent to me via email by Friday at 3pm.