Classroom Device Policy
The Rutherford County School System’s objective is that students and employees benefit from instructional
technology resources while remaining within the bounds of safe, legal and responsible use. Accordingly, RCS
establishes this Mobile Device Responsible Use Policy and Technology Handbook to govern student and staff use
of school district instructional resources. This policy applies regardless of whether such use occurs on or off school
district property, and it applies to all school district instructional technological resources, including but not limited
to computer networks and connections, the resources, tools and learning environments made available by or on
the networks, and all devices that connect to those networks.
technology resources while remaining within the bounds of safe, legal and responsible use. Accordingly, RCS
establishes this Mobile Device Responsible Use Policy and Technology Handbook to govern student and staff use
of school district instructional resources. This policy applies regardless of whether such use occurs on or off school
district property, and it applies to all school district instructional technological resources, including but not limited
to computer networks and connections, the resources, tools and learning environments made available by or on
the networks, and all devices that connect to those networks.